As we’ve learned more about Covid-19 and there are vaccinations and treatments for Covid-19 and it’s multiple variants St. John the Divine has returned to

in person Services at 8am and 10 am or via Zoom.

masks, social distancing are determined by what is right and comfortable for you. Please continue to stay home if you have any type of infectious condition, cold, covid…until you are no contagious / longer ill.

5th Sunday of the Month are combined service at 9am


Holy Eucharist Rite I
8 AM

Holy Eucharist Rite II
10 AM

All services in the sanctuary ARE AGAIN IN PERSON  

Zoom services at 8 and 10am

A spoken service, Scripture readings, prayer, and communion.

A service with music and choir, Scripture readings, prayer, and communion. Nursery (infant - pre K) and Sunday School ( K and up) are available .

Coffee and fellowship follow each service.


Facebook page: St. John the Divine Episcopal Church - Costa Mesa

In-person services resume, face masks are optional.

Eucharist - wafer and common cup or individual cup